There is a famous poem by J.R.R Tolkien called All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter. This poem contains the famously quoted sentence, "Not all those who, wander are lost". When Tolkien penned this in 1954, he sure as hell did not plan on there a device in his pocket that could give you every answer from recipes for dinner to directions for your life.
There have been many famous figures over the last few hundred years that revolted against society's succession towards vast progressions in social and technology standards. Some of those names are Teddy Roosevelt, Aldo Leopold, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and a few more below.
“Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden
“These times are too progressive. Everything has changed too fast. Railroads and telegraphs and kerosene and coal stoves; they're good to have but the trouble is, folks get to depend on 'em.”
― Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Long Winter
These new advancements in our lives have distracted us from nature and beauty in our lives. Replacing that with dread and greed for others. Instead, if we took a deep breath and enjoyed the presentness of nature we would better understand the beauty was in the present.
We are so caught up in capturing that beauty on phones, we miss the true beauty in the sounds of nature. If we put down the phone and listen to the teachings of the outdoors, we would be better educated and conscious of the presence of living in the now.